Apartment Innovation Strategies
2021 Multifamily Investment Summit
Smart Multifamily Investors understand the customer. Investors need to understand not only the market, but the residents that are paying those rents. We will look at some innovations taking place in designing the apartment of the future with David Haldi, Founder & President of CredHub https://credhub.com.
Up Next in 2021 Multifamily Investment Summit
Using Data to Reduce Bias in Real Est...
Smart Multifamily investors leverage data to support objective claims about the real estate they purchase. The convergence of technology, data and real estate open opportunities for the smart data driven Multifamily Investor with John Carlson, President at Mark Taylor.
Multifamily Investment Outlook
Daniel Court shares national economic updates and trends while he looks at closer trends in the Arizona market. No speculative predictions about what might happen in the broader economy or any other speculative assumptions that tend to leave you with chance.
How To Be An Apartment Syndicator
The apartment syndication model can be a complex business to operate. In this session, we will show you the things to know before raising money.