America's Humor Coach on Charisma at Work
The 1st C in the Charismatic Connector Series. Be more interested in others. Find common ground. Like, admire & respect = Friendship.
The 4th C in the Charismatic Connector Series. 100% commitment to your choice. Truth signals of behavior / body language. Stepping outside of comfort zone.
The 3rd C in the Charismatic Connector Series. Engagement: Be in the moment. Be more interested in what they say. Hyper listening.
The 6th C in the Charismatic Connector Series. Ignore the “Saboteur”. Share your ideas and voice. Challenge your “Status Quo”
The 7th C in the Charismatic Connector Series. “Yes And” – (Disagree but OPTIMIZE). Be open and willing to explore ideas. Explore what WE can create
The 8th C in the Charismatic Connector Series. Leadership Qualities. Take care of yourself first! Step into the Unknown Zone