2019 Portico Property Management Ranked #16 Nationally
Best Places to Work Multifamily®
1m 43s
Darren Williams, President of Portico Property Management, at the Multifamily Leadership Summit accepting the #16 National Best Places to Work Multifamily™ award.
1400 Ravello Drive | Suite 110 | Katy, Texas 77449 | https://www.porticopm.com/
Portico works diligently to keep a small company family feel to their organization. In their business, the front line teams are their most valuable assets by far…and every decision they make goes towards growing, recognizing, and supporting those teams.
They are incredibly candid and transparent in what they’re working on, trying to accomplish and where everyone fits within the organization. They communicate honestly and regularly and their team members know exactly what is expected of them.
Goals and objectives are clearly detailed and explained and they publish the metrics they are scoring their progress on regularly.
Portico is truly and extension of family. At the end of the day, they treat every single individual within the organization with respect and support.
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